Here are examples of Swing codes based on Swing Application Framework.
public void SafTest1 extends SingleFrameApplication { public JButton helloWorldButton; public static void main(String[] args) { launch(SafTest1.class, args); } @Action public void helloWorld() { System.out.prinln("Hello world"); } @Override public void initialize() { helloWorldButton = new JButton(); helloWorldButton.setAction(getAction("helloWorld"); } @Override public void ready() { show(helloWorldButton); } }
File org/chorem/jtimer/test/resources/
Application.title = Test 1 = saftest1 helloWorld.Action.text=Say hello helloWorld.Action.shortDescription=Click me to say hello
To translate previous example, in french for example, just create a properties file suffixed by the locale containing translated strings.
File org/chorem/jtimer/test/resources/
helloWorld.Action.text=Dit bonjour helloWorld.Action.shortDescription=Cliquer pour dire bonjour !
We can how bind some properties to swing elements. This bindings have to be set in action annotation, this properties concern all element bind on this action.
public void SafTest2 extends SingleFrameApplication { public JButton helloWorldButton; public static void main(String[] args) { launch(SafTest1.class, args); } public boolean isActive() { return false; } @Action(enabledProperty="active") public void helloWorld() { System.out.prinln("Hello world"); } @Override public void initialize() { helloWorldButton = new JButton(); helloWorldButton.setAction(getAction("helloWorld"); } @Override public void ready() { show(helloWorldButton); } }