File format

File format used in jTimer 1.2.0 is gTimer 1.2 file format. Since 1.3.0, jTimer add new features that gTimer can't handle.


Extension : .project

Format :

Format: <file format>
Name: <project name>
Created: <creation timestamp>
Options: <project option>

Example : 2.project

Format: 1.2
Name: jTImer
Created: 2147483647
Options: 0


Extension : .task

Format :

Format: <file format>
Name: <task name>
Created: <creation timestamp>
Options: <task option>
Project: <parent project>
<dateyyyyMMdd timeinseconds>

Example : 6.task

Format: 1.2
Name: Interact with chorem services
Created: 2147483647
Options: 0
Project: 2
20070625 23848
20070626 22127
20070627 23032


Extension : .ann

Format :

<timestamp texte>

Note: x.ann note is linked to x.task task.

Example : 7.ann

1228950001 First note
1228950002 Second note


Extension : .alert

Format :

<alert type> <duration>

Note: x.alert alert is linked to x.task task.

Alerts are not defined in 1.2 gTimer file format.

Example : 7.alert

reachdailytime 3600
reachtotaltime 7200